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Melanie Cortez



I currently have my Level 1 Crossfit Trainer Certification and aim to pursue a level 2 Crossfit Certification.

About Coach

I was born and raised in Hawaii and grew up playing competitive sports with my 3 sisters and 1 brother. I like to stay fit so I can keep up with my fiancé, Lucas, during WODs and so I can enjoy life outside the gym like hiking with our dog, Norman, and golfing with our family. I enjoy coaching because I get to help people see the progress they make and accomplish what they didn’t know was possible. It’s rewarding to be able to celebrate moments of achievement, such as finishing a tough hero WOD or getting their first Double Unders. It’s so inspiring to see people from all different backgrounds and fitness levels who come together and commit to showing up day after day to work on improving themselves and their lifestyle.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

My favorite part of strength & functional fitness is that the workouts are always different and everyday you are facing a new challenge. I love that workouts can be made for all different skill levels yet still be intense. No matter what your fitness level is, we are all continually improving, accomplishing, and settings new goals. My favorite part of being a part of our gym is the community and relationships that are built through supporting and encouraging one another as we challenge ourselves physically and mentally, striving for a common goal of a healthy lifestyle.

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